Greetings to all my readers. So, another year and
I'm glad that Xmas is over – although to be honest I enjoyed the
distraction over the past 3 weeks as I actually felt vaguely like my
old self for once, instead of worrying about current employment
circumstances, or lack thereof at the time this blog has been posted.
Anyhow, I digress.
Recent news
about the lentil abusing ramblings of Morrissey have compelled me to
write a blog about vegetarianism – which is in my top ten hates of
all time (closely followed by Apple products and people's inane
worship of them, that might be covered another day).
What is
it I hate about vegetarianism? PREACHY VEGETARIANS – people like
Morrissey. As much as I enjoy the music of The Smiths and Morrissey,
I wish people like him would quit being preachy fucks and telling
what to eat. Recently, he has decided to go off on one and declare
meat eating to be as bad as paedophilia and Nazism – which is
needless to say an extreme step too far. Like many people, perhaps he
could do with actually making an album instead of trying to convert a
world for the most part who doesn't give a fuck about vegetarianism;
because in all honesty it makes people like him look like complete
and total dicks. I dare say there's probably vegetarians out there
who aren't preachy thinking “Oh for fucks sake, another vegetarian
making us look like a bunch of whiny twats, like we need any more bad
press as it is!”.
Anyway, enough about him. Let's cover
exactly what pisses me off about vegetarianism as a whole.

The Eternal Life Fantasy:
Preachy vegetarians always go on
about how long they will live for, due to their diet being ever so
super healthy. Personally, I'm not that convinced; the human species
is an animal that is designed to be an omnivore (the most notable
feature is incisors, which are featured on many
carnivorous/omnivorous animals). If you eat a load of crap and don't
mind your diet (omnivore or not), you will no doubt suffer the
consequences of heart disease, diabetes and many other problems.
To me, a human trying to be a
vegetarian is like a car trying to run on the wrong octane of fuel –
it will no doubt misfire and bound to cause long term damage. I'm no
scientist, but even I know that vegetarians often lack iron, and this
is usually obtained via meat – notably Vitamin B12 and Heam Iron to
stop such problems like anaemia. Another example that shows humans
are engineered to be omnivorous is the redundant part of the stomach
called the appendix, which in a herbivorous creature would've been
used to help process tough plant matter and seeds. For many people,
especially in today's financial climate with food banks –
vegetarianism isn't a lifestyle option due to expense of trying to
maintain such a diet and is a choice of the privileged.

A typical case in point is the
vegetarians that I know, always appear to be more susceptible to
colds and other illness more than others who stick to an omnivorous
diet. Not forgetting the fact they take that many multi-vitamin pills
to supplement what is lost from their diet, that if you shook them
they would practically rattle. A friend of mine (who I have referred
to as 'Vegan Goth' on my tweets), actually went as far as purchasing
Spirulina, which is a form of algae that is supposed to be some sort
of super super multi multi-vitamin that if you read the internet
would have you believe to be the definitive cure for everything
including AIDS and Cancer. He went as far as to make (for all intents
and purposes) what is effectively a pond water smoothie from the
stuff, however – he forgot to secure the lid on the blender
properly. Needless to say, his kitchen got a decorating in rancid
green slime which he mopped up with a load of dish cloths and towels
to clear the slimy aftermath.

A few days later, he was washing
clothes in his washing machine and tumble dryer combo in his
apartment. Curiously, after a couple of minutes the smell of rotted
eggs and sulphur was prevalent in his kitchen which he couldn't
figure out. He couldn't quite work out where it came from, but he
eventually put two and two together and worked out the smell was
coming from the washing machine. It turns out that the pipework for
the washing machine and dyer is the perfect warm and moist
environment for algae to thrive, and that the pipes were coated with
his very own culture that were absolutely loving the waste water and
hot air that was spewed out from the machine. He was left with no
option but to phone up a plumber to try and cure the problem, which
apparently was sorted using a lump of borax in the washing machine a
couple of times until the smell and algae was cleared.

Just think – if he was an omnivore
than this particularly messy incident wouldn't have happened (but
would have probably made this blog a bit less interesting). Also, I
don't think citing vegetarianism aiding longevity of life a bit of a
shaky one – there are far too many variables involved that could
influence the mortality of a person such as: Life span of your
family, hereditary diseases and illnesses, lifestyle, activity, what
you do as a job, and so on and so forth.
Take Yul Brynner and Jim Fixx – the
former smoked, snorted, fucked and ingested anything and still lived
until he was 65. Jim Fixx turned into a health nut in his mid 30s,
yet jogging killed him off when he was 52. Also, my nan smoked
woodbines and couldn't even understand the concept or definition of
dieting and ate and drank what she wanted – to eventually shuffle
off the mortal coil at the ripe old age of 86.
So, on that
basis who exactly was living life the right way? Hmmmm?
Fuck Off! Stop Telling Me What To Eat!
This is by far the biggest problem
that I have with vegetarians in my experiences, the preaching and
telling all and sundry how to eat. I don't give a fuck about what you
eat, as long as you don't lecture me on what I should and shouldn't
eat – otherwise we will establish some very big problems.
I know a small handful of vegetarian
people in person, and half of them are pretty much okay and the topic
of vegetarianism never crops up or causes any arguments – in fact,
one of the friends in my group is vegan and I was completely and
totally unaware until it was mentioned one night on Facebook. Another
who I know was vegetarian. but if you crashed over at her house on a
night out she wouldn't mind making you a therapeutic bacon and brown
sauce on toast when you had a splitting hangover, and had no qualms
about having a summer barbecue which would make most vegetarians
flinch (she would stick to Quorn burgers or something similar, or
offer a veggie option).
Sadly, the number of vegetarians who
won't shut the fuck up and keep their opinions to themselves far
outweighs those who would normally respect the wishes of others and
A particularly annoying person, is a
poorly informed vegetarian who is the worst and most neurotic pain in
the arse that you could ever meet. The type of person who over
analyses the side effects of medicine and would often refuse to take
something, even if it was life threatening. This person would also go
as far to give me hassle as soon as I ate a kebab while drunk,
informing me that it was made of dead cats, dogs, cows arseholes and
whatever else (not that anyone would ever care while drunk and eating
a kebab). However, due to a sharp sense and wit I am very quick to
point out the holes and flaws in their theories and proceed to show
them up for the ridiculous arsehole that they are. Because, basically
– they fucking well deserve it in all honesty.
A typical case in point was a few years
ago, when me and a couple of my friends had made a trip to Yorkshire
for a night out at Bradford Rio's to see a band play, and a trip
around the drinking establishments inhabited by the Goths and
Metalheads that live in the Leeds area. Before we landed at their
home, we had decided on a trek around Leeds before making our way
over to a small Yorkshire village where my friend lived. Amongst my
friends, was the ranty vegetarian I mentioned earlier. Would you
believe, that said person made us walk around the long way while
looking at Leeds Market due to the butchers and that they “don't
like the smell of cruelty and murder”; this was a pain in the arse
as it is while we were lugging around a small suitcase and rucksack
for the weekend, especially when the suitcases had New Rock boots in
them. As a result, I ended up missing a cool little Polish food
market that sold some strange confectionery I particularly liked that
I couldn't find elsewhere.

I decided to declare war all fucking
weekend. This, had finally made my piss boil!
Throughout this particular weekend, I
took every endeavour to ensure that I ate even more meat than normal
just to piss them off. Whatever I could eat, had to have meat in it
somehow – or a least more meat than normal. Just a Chicken Curry?
Fuck it – Let's order a special curry with a least a few different
types of dead animal in it (Prawn, Chicken, Pork, Steak, etc). A
kebab? Yeah sure, let's completely skip on the vegetable garnish and
just concentrate on the meat and chilli sauce, fuck it – why not? A
sandwich for lunch, Bacon Lettuce and Tomato? Nah – Let's have an
all day breakfast sandwich that contains egg, chicken and pork
sausage – fuck it, why not? Especially when whiny veggie had the
nerve to piss and moan about choosing an eating establishment. They
even asked a bunch of Turkish guys whether the Samosa's had been
cooked in a facility that had been used to cook meat, of which they
couldn't answer or particularly care less – so guess who went away
starving while we all had kebab and burgers while smashed off our

This didn't just stop there. Oh no, we
went around some Goth clothes shops and even then said person was
asking if there was vegan friendly clothing. Yep, they even made a
snide comment about a leather jacket that I bought saying something
along the lines of “Yeah, nice jacket but it was a shame an animal
died to make it”. Granted, there were some vegan friendly clothing
(whatever the fuck that nonsense is) but it came at a cost – as
noted with Mad Fish boots. They liked the look of New Rocks and Doc
Martens, but didn't like the idea of them being made from leather. As
a consequence, such clothing is dramatically more expensive due to
the specialist nature. They had a range of Mad Fish boots, which were
made of some form of synthetic material but were actually bloody
horrible to wear and looked as if they were made from old deckchairs
or something.

I didn't let it stop there after this
shopping excursion. I decided to use even more extreme logic traps to
trip them up!
My friends house had some pretty expensive and
comfortable leather couches. They sat on them without any apparent
issue – which to me sounded very hypocritical. After much drunken
debate before going out the door, I had decided to declare that they
should either sit on the floor, a fabric foot stool thing or a chair
brought in from the kitchen. There was a land slide vote from
everybody in the house that they should pick one of these instead of
sitting on the leather couch – despite it being the most
comfortable option – it was their loss due to their inane
fussiness. If they wanted to piss and moan about food choices and
ethics as an outvoted minority then they deserved all the shit they
got for being preachy. If they kept their mouths shut about it, then
perhaps the weekend may have played out a lot differently. In
conclusion, a good weekend was had by all (even the whiny
vegetarian), but since that point they have become dramatically less
vocal and for the most part seen the error of inflicting their
'Veggie Nazi' ways.
Meat Is Murder!
Lastly, a
particularly annoying issue with preachy vegetarians is the way they
yammer on about animal cruelty, animal testing and such. This is a
topic that really annoys me the most.
First of all, there is a definite hierarchical food chain whether people like it or not. To think that all animals are sacred is an extremely naive one. If we applied this to its logical conclusion, then people wouldn't kill off cockroaches, rats or mosquitoes or other vermin and disease would be rife. In fact, they would probably be the first people to complain and make a hypocrite of themselves. Oh, your house is invaded with mice? Oh, that's a shame. Send an email to who gives a shit dot com because if we sent out the exterminators to your gaff would surely be a double standard. Oh, they're the wrong type of mice and they're not the cute ones like Mickey Mouse? Ah, my mistake!

People who put the
lives of animals before themselves in my opinion deserve to be locked
up in an insane asylum for such ridiculous beliefs. The likes of
Greenpeace, PETA and other such organisations who think they are bang
to rights for blowing up scientists that could lead to a cure for
Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimers or whatever are extremely odious pieces of
work that deserve maximum contempt. There are far more organisations
and shelters that cater for cats, dogs, and other unwanted animals
that people are prepared to throw any amount of money at. Homeless
shelters are closing down, rape crises centres are poorly funded,
women and children are fleeing from domestic violence with almost
nowhere to turn to. While animal charities are practically a licence
to print money, with lots of cute merchandise to keep the collective
piggy banks overfed so the accountants can enjoy counting the zeros
at the end of the bank balance.
I have often thought to myself
that perhaps criminals serving life sentences for murder and/or
paedophilia should be used for testing instead of animals. After all,
they have thrown away their rights to living in civilised society and
they would be a more accurate living template to discover the effects
on new treatments and methods. However, the politically correct
brigade would be frothing at the mouth piece, citing that these
people have rights. Nope, they threw away their rights when they
chose to commit such heinous crimes.
It's also worth noting that without
animal testing to forward the developments of science, progress would
still be in the stone age. Without animal testing, my eldest sister
wouldn't be alive and would've left her kids without a mother,
fortunately she was treated with Wharfarin to cure what could've been
a fatal blood clot. My friends and my missus who have asthma would
have a dramatically poorer choice of life if it wasn't for the
research and testing for their medication. My own father probably
might not have been alive it it wasn't for research done on
beta blockers used for his heart tablets to regulate heart beat and
blood pressure. This can be applied to anybody that we know with an
illness, and they might not have been alive if it wasn't for the
research gained from animal testing.
If any of these preachy arseholes were
ill and their lives or family members lives depended on medication
whose research depended on medication that was tested on animals,
they would soon change their idiotic flat earth beliefs.
To conclude, this is why I feel
strongly about vegetarianism, and the things that are linked to such
a choice.
You're holding the world back.