Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Man offended at Twitter unfollow seeks government funding.

A man today has expressed outrage on Twitter today due to being unfollowed by a couple of long term followers.

Bernard Trouserpress, 36, of Kiddeminster – who owns a chain of lactose free artisan dairy produce stores called 'Cheeses of Nazareth' expressed his disgust at being unfollowed on the popular social spleen vent site Twitter; by referring to these people as “Petty minded individuals undermining his internet friend safe space”, even referring to one follower as ”A mean spirited trolling arsehole”.

“I can't believe I got unfollowed, the cheek of it!” spluttered Bernard, while drinking a Tofu smoothie, who in his spare time is a pansexual Panda otherkin. “Who are people to question the notion of social justice online, and the right to stamp out hate speech? Not forgetting the right for people to persecute stores online to bum free products by pretending they found fishing maggots in Satsumas, or Cadbury's Roses poured into a Mars Celebrations tin, or to say that a band is shit?”.

“These people sicken me. Who are they to express opposing views? In today's society, people should skate around issues and not mention that they hate something online – it can trigger people and cause deep psychological harm, who will think of this?”

Bernard is currently looking into a crowd funding exercise to start 'Social Networking Police', and is running an online petition to ensure that so called Internet trolls should be banned from the internet, safe spaces for all, and to set up a government funded penal colony of 'nice thoughts rehabilitation camps' for such offenders.

We interviewed @Wankbiscuit23 who had watched the events on Twitter unfold in earnest. “He should put his fucking iMac down and get some fresh air, the whining fucking ponce. People should learn that it's words on a screen, none of it matters, and they should quit finding shit to be offended by”.

Bernard Trouserpress' friends were unavailable for comment, because they had better shit to do. Like switching the computer off and going down the pub.

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