The time is once again upon is for the album of the year list, and this time around the whole 'listing' thing has become an easier process. When I first composed last year's list, it forever put me through turmoil whenever I played a particular 'nominee' - where I would end up feverishly editing the list and making tiny incremental jumps; to the point where I'd lay in bed and think "Nah, got to hop back on the PC and sort this out!". You know how it is.
I've decided that I'm sticking to the format of a top 20 albums list, because 10 would be too short and over 20 would dilute the content. It also entered my head to simply call it 'Album of The Year' simply for the fact I listen to a wide variety of rock, metal, and alternative tunes - but primarily it will always centre around something that is metal 95% of the time. Because in my minds eye - there is barely, if anything at all, worth noticing outside of the realms of metal and rock genres. There was 'nearly' a closely connected post punk album that almost made the list, but decided it wasn't to be included.
This year also brings a special 'Worst Album Of The Year' nominee. An album I nominated for a variety of different reasons - notably down to ferocious hyperbole, being boring, dull, uninspiring or just being plain shit. This category (at the time of this post) will probably grace future album of the year lists.
Without further ado, here is my list in descending order.
20. Nightwish - Endless Forms Most Beautiful
Originally, I had lost interest with Nightwish after Tarja left - and didn't pay much attention of their output after they changed vocalists. Upon discovering this album, I decided I was being a bit of a willymong and gave it a whirl. Bombastic, over the top, and as overblown as Nightwish could be. A dizzying and enjoyable sonic journey.
19. Moonspell - Extinct
A very nice offering from the Portuguese purveyors of gothic metal noire. Has a delightful heavier mix that echoes to the Moonspell of old, but mixes together the elements from their mid period peaks of 'Sin/Pecado' and 'The Butterfly Effect'. A solid effort.
18. Children of Bodom - I Worship Chaos
After the 'Are You Dead' album, Children of Bodom disappeared from my radar. For some reason, the albums after that become half arsed, bloated, 'Bodom by numbers' that I couldn't be arsed entertaining. 'I Worship Chaos' is a decent return to form that I played quite a few times. Okay, it isn't exactly 'Hate Crew Deathroll' or 'Follow The Reaper' - that sounded like a melodic death metal interpretation of a fast paced Japanese shoot 'em up game soundtrack, which I loved so much - but it's near as dammit for me.
17. Ahab - The Boats of The Glen Carrig
Crushing, slow, brooding, and a truly dizzying sonic journey. Ahab continue from strength to strength with crushing doom brutality. Like being pummelled by a block of demolished flats, then sent to an extremely long aural death in the most delightful way. Marvellous work, lads.
16. Tsjuder - Antiliv
Tsjuder (pronounced 'shoo-der') are a decent black metal band that's been going for many years, and part of the earlier cluster of bands from the scene. A decent effort, that shows that they've still got what it takes; that I feel gives lesser bands of their ilk a run for their money.
15. Amorphis - Under The Red Cloud.
Another band that I've never heard for a good while, that for some reason I lost interest in. However, the lads in Amorphis produced this stunner. A perfect mix between their older, and newer material that shows a level of decent song writing, hooks, and maturity. Familiar like a pair of steel toe capped Para Boots you've owned for the past 10 years, yet at the same time invigorating and different.
14. Leviathan - Scar Sighted
Leviathan were initially a strange one, as it didn't immediately grab me. However, further listens reveal catchy and addictive hooks. Claustrophobic, spiralling, with progressive twists and turns that serve to enslave the listener that sounds so fresh that I struggle to find comparisons to other black metal bands as a reference point. When a band does something that that, it's a truly special thing. Bask in the descending madness.
13. Mgla - Exercises In Futility
After disappearing off the radar for a couple of years, Mgla are back with renewed vigor. Inky, black metal futility that's combined with a touch of melody, and soaring riffs to even out the sonic bombast. Powerful stuff.
12. Sigh - Graveward
Love them or loathe them, you can't say Sigh are boring. Combining their usual batshit mental mix of weird instruments, clean vocals, keytars, trumpets, and lord knows what else going on in there. A band that literally are in a league of their own, that are peerless - even though this is studio album number 10. How the fuck do they do it?
11. Enslaved - In Times
Black metal stalwarts Enslaved return after a near 3 year hiatus, with impressive results. Demonstrating a complex mix of black metal, taking many twists and turns into clean vocals and almost prog rock sensibilities. Granted, it may upset the kvltists and there are times where I miss the more brutal tones of 'Below The Lights', 'Monumension' and earlier works - but it's hardly the fatal sea change that Metallica performed, is it? Works for me, and excellently so.
10. Fear Factory - Genexus
I admit to being sceptical about a new Fear Factory release, but Genexus is fucking ridiculous! The aggressive buzz saw stop start "DAGGA DAG! DAGGA DAG!" attack of Dino Cazares on guitar. with Burton C Bell barking/crooning over it just like the good old days. Takes me back to feeling like I'm a 16 year old lad again with 'Demanufacture'. Massively catchy, highly charged, and just makes you want to turn the living room into a one man moshpit. Throwing shapes, doing the face. Fucking get in.
9 - Melechesh - Enkii
A very distinctive black metal band, driven by the trademark middle eastern groove that Melechesh are known for. An exemplary album that graces the upper echelons of the album of the year list without question. that is as strong as their previous works.
8. Nile - What Shall Not Be Unearthed
Initially, I was a bit concerned with Nile due to the oddly lacklustre previous album 'At The Gates of Sethu'. There was something amiss with it, that I couldn't quite put my finger on and I feared for their future. However, all doubts were squashed when they released 'What Shall Not Be Unearthed'. A stunning return to form, and worth it for the massively catchy riff laden track "Evil To Cast Out Evil" and the chest beating chorus. Epic.
7. Paradise Lost - The Plague Within
Paradise Lost have left their shonky Depeche Mode-isms now for at best part of a decade and a half, continuously releasing albums that have more than made up for their innovation/dodgy and needless experimentation (delete where appropriate and taste dependant). 'The Plague Within' delves back further into 'Shades Of God' and even 'Gothic' territory, which I've certainly got no issue with. Sweet.
6. Cattle Decapitation - The Anthropocene Extinction
A grindcore/death metal masterpiece of the year without question. Touching upon the tried and trusted themes of extinction and the annihilation of mankind that Cattle Decapitation are best known for, without losing a beat. Deliciously feral, with incredible musicianship, and continuing to innovate. I mean, just look at the album cover alone! Fuck...A dead guy on a beach spewing canisters of toxic waste out of his innards, how symbolic is that? What?
5. Napalm Death - Apex Predator, Easy Meat
Essentially, one of the forefathers of the grindcore genre that helped to form the cornerstones of the extreme metal movement. Napalm Death aren't any mere extreme metal band, oh no. They're an INSTITUTION, a veritable household name. A good 30 years in the business, and still sound as relevant as ever. Further fuelled by the end times of a Conservative government, which is one of the only plus sides to giving this band necessary ire - and they're seriously pissed off. As subtle as a Glaswegian kiss.
4. Cradle of Filth - Hammer Of The Witches
If I had made a 'shock comeback of the year' award, these guys would walk it. I hadn't been that terribly bothered with Cradle of Filth since 'Midian'; casually listening to their newer output with a sense of apathy and malaise. Although, it has to be said 'Darkly Darkly Venus Aversa' was an album of note when it came out. Initially, my scepticism levels were set to high - until I played it. FUCKING NORA, HOW ACE IS THIS THING? EH? EH? IT MAKES ME WANT TO WEAR CORPSE PAINT, AND SPIKES, AND WALK ABOUT MY LOCAL HILLS WITH THE WIND IN MY HAIR LOOKING ALL BLACK METAL, AND SET THINGS ON FIRE! EH? HOW FUCKING ACE IS IT? LISTEN TO IT LISTEN TO IT LISTEN TO IT!!!! AAAARRRGHHH!!
3. Panopticon - Autumn Eternal
Annoyingly, I was 'late to the table' discovering the sheer brilliance that is Panopticon - a one man black metal band fronted by the incredible talents of Austin Lunn. I mean, even the split EP's that he makes with other musicians are utterly ridiculous and god like. Earlier on in the year, 'Roads To The North' completely exploded my mind - notably down to the incredible closing track 'Chase The Grain'. Which, sounded like something Mike Oldfield would make if he was a black metal musician. Seriously, it's THAT good. In this album, they dialled back the bluegrass elements a touch and centred on a sound that reminds me of Agalloch meets Winterfylleth. It has it all; soaring intense moments, melodious moments, and brutal moments that can flail the skin. It's more of a sonic adventure than a mere album.
2. Ninkharsag - The Blood Of Celestial Kings
I've seen these guys a couple of times with support to other bands, the most notable time was when I seen them support Esoteric in some dingy pub in the darkest corner of 'The Merseyan Sphere' - and thoroughly bloody enjoyable that night was too. Ninkharsag take the best of the black metal influences, and turn it into a bewitching fucking massive earworm. Perfectly crafted, with a duration that is only just over half an hour that has you begging for more. It you don't move your arse and one man circle pit to 'The Essential Salts of Human Dust', then you are without doubt a tone deaf root vegetable - and have a fucking good word with yourself.
1. Negura Bunget - Tau

What can I say? The whole albums is just ridiculous and other worldly in every definition. Negura Bunget have around for a good while, finally peaking with the jaw dropping masterpiece that was 'Om'. Worryingly, an acrimonious fall out occurred that only left Negru as the sole remaining member. They bounced back with 'Vîrstele pămîntului' that many people loved, but it didn't quite grab me. Not that is was poor quality, it just sounded like a band that suffered a radical line up change (of which it did) and was trying to find its feet.
The album is like an adventure to listen to, wearing its Romanian culture and influence proudly upon its sleeves. Opening with the classic 'Nametenie', and with moments of sheer musical beauty like 'La Hotaro Cu Cinci Culmi' and 'Curgerea Muntelui' that break up the brutality of the heavier tracks in an astonishing manner. Even indulging in a bit of chirpy polka fused folk and black metal with the brilliantly silly 'Inpodobeala Timpului' - that sounds like a black metal version of Mool Prepya from the series ' This Is Jinsy'.
I couldn't put the thing down, and even bought it TWICE - once on vinyl AND CD. Even though I had the album at the tail end of January as a promo to review for This Is Not A Scene. I fell in love with the damn thing, it's just astonishing.
'Worst Album of The Year'
Iron Maiden - The Book of Souls
This year had many good albums, and a sea of seriously bloody awful ones. I'm a fair man, and I do give albums and bands the benefit of the doubt before I'll be all "Murrrr, that's shit, murrr murrr" whenever I hear about it.
Okay, I admit I'm ambivalent about Iron Maiden at the best of times; I like certain tracks and will play an album of theirs once every blue moon. But, by and large think they're overrated.
Major faults? Needlessly long so the tracks are diluted, and a 'phoned in' feel, Worst thing of all? It sounds like a tired Iron Maiden covering Iron Maiden. Moreover, the positive reviews you see are typed by the fanbois that can't accept constructive criticism because how dare anyone pick a fault with Iron Maiden. Well, I'm not - and I will.
There is only one crime worse than a musically poor album by a 'household name' band,
A painfully average one by a 'household name' band.
Therefore, 'The Book of Souls' claims the 'Worst Album of The Year' award and is a perfect example of just because something has a 'name' - doesn't mean that it's good.