Tuesday, 23 December 2014

My Definitive Top 20 Metal Albums Of 2014:

Even in my sometimes narrow world of music, where I can go for weeks lapsing back into 1980s post punk/darkwave/trad goth, to days of blasting nothing but 1970's rock, or even 1980s cheese – I eventually return back to playing metal once more. I describe myself nowadays as a part goth, part metalhead hybrid – but it's probably simpler to describe myself as a 'noisy music enthusiast'. If it's loud, lairy, guitar filled – and it pisses people off – then to me it's a beautiful thing.

Even more oddly, I'm not a man for 'chart lists' – but then I've read and heard many people babbling on about great releases, and to be honest this year has been a corker for the metal and extreme metal scenes. Death and black metal is doing well, and there's still no let up in what I refer to as the 'neo thrash renaissance'. In fact, I grew to love that after initially being rather cynical about it (as I've seen it done before); the turning point when I seen Gama Bomb earlier this year – where it brought be back in time to the early 1990s when I first got into metal. So many new fans, carrying the torch for metal – proper metal too, I may add. Nice work.

Please note: the order of these albums does not necessarily mean the lower down ones suck – far from it. It was a hard decision to quantify this into a list as it's something I normally don't do. In essence, if you haven't listened to this selection from this year you are either living in a cave, or you're a tone deaf root vegetable.

Anyway, without further ado – here's my top 20 choices:

20 : Mastodon – Once More Around The Sun

Love them or hate them, Mastodon appear to be going from strength to strength. Stylistically, they have changed a lot since the early days of Remission; and I personally thought the previous album 'The Hunter' done nothing for me at all. Thankfully, Mastodon have bounced back and made this fantastically catchy prog rock earworm.

19 : Mayhem – Esoteric Warfare

Mayhem had disappeared off the radar for a bit, and had suffered some drastic (according to some cynics) line up changes. However, I feel the latest album has shut the cynics up good and proper.

18: Monolord – Empress Rising

From out of the blue, some random Swedish band comes from nowhere as a side project – taking the best cues from vintage Electric Wizard, Kyuss and Sleep. A jaw dropping slice of doom.

17 : Conan – Blood Eagle

Gloriously fuzzy doom, that at times you feel will out doom Electric Wizard. Slow, chugging, and with monumental riffs that if played loudly will probably level disused apartment blocks.

16: Godflesh – A World Lit Only By Fire

A band that's been going for many years, and is pretty much a household established name in the scene. A band that had sailed past me for many years; I knew of them but they didn't entirely grab me for some odd reason. 'A World Lit Only By Fire' changed that for me, as it dragged me off by the scruff of the neck and demanded that I listened. I'm glad I did.

15 : Exodus – Blood In, Blood Out

A stunning return to form from the veteran thrashers, that somehow are too far down most people's lists – which is criminal in my book. Definitely worthy of investigation, especially since Zetro came back.

14: Electric Wizard – Time To Die

A superb album, drenched in lysergic doom that continues on in that familiar old template of a down tuned and more fucked up vintage Black Sabbath. What's not to like?

13: Nacthmystium – The World We Left Behind

A glorious swan song from the now defunct purveyors of weird, that to my ears sounded like a black metal version of Hawkwind. Not their strongest release to my ears, but it's still an incredible album that many bands strive for, with this level of quality.

12: At The Gates – At War With Reality

One of my favourite bands, and one that I am surprised has decided to bounce back and record an album. The 17 year old metal head living in a 30 something body was like a kid at Christmas that had been bought a shiny new Commodore Amiga. It filled my wooden bile filled cynical heart with joy.

11: Primordial – Where Greater Man Have Fallen

Gloriously catchy, infectious, and utterly enchanting with amazing chest beating anthems – sung with such glory, power and majestic force. A jaw dropping return from those Irish purveyors of black and doom tinged folk metal.

10 : Triptykon -Melana Chasmata

Tommy G and the boys still keep delivering the goods with this ongoing project formed from the ashes of Celtic Frost. Crushing as ever with no drop in quality.

09: Hoth – Oathbreaker

Insanely catchy black metal with a bewitching groove, that in places is vaguely Dimmu Borgir-esque but without the pretentiousness. Massive hook laden earworms that stay in your head for days that you'll end up whistling randomly. Love it.

08: Cannibal Corpse – A Skeletal Domain

Their 13th album, and showing no signs of letting up. As catchy and brutal as ever before, and worth it for the catchy 'Kill Or Become' in its own right. Essential.

07: Behemoth – The Satanist

I'm glad that Nergal and his merry men came back, and made a stunning album. A true triumph over adversity that shows they have plenty of life left in them.

06: Agalloch – The Serpent And The Sphere

One of black metal's top tier artists in my humble opinion, that have released a beautiful and emotive slab of glorious black metal with doom and progressive elements.

05: Foreseen – Helsinki Savagery

A thrash metal band, that came seemingly from nowhere and promptly kicked the shit out of me sonically. Brining together all the best bits of Nuclear Assault, C.I.A. and Hirax – and sounding equally as good as the bands that influenced it. Utterly fucking ridiculously good. Just when you think you got bored of the neo thrash renaissance – these guys showed up.

04: Nightbringer – Ego Dominus Tuus

A truly astonishing album, that took dramatic leaps and bounds in quality from their previous output. Encompassing all your favourite riffs you've heard before, but stamping it with a layer of deliciously pernicious evil all of its own accord. I couldn't put the thing down.

03 : Winterfylleth – The Divination Of Antiquity

One of the most amazing black metal bands in recent years. So stereotypically British in sound, sounding soaring, majestic, and a thing of total sonic wonder. You'd have to be mental in the face to like black metal and not like this album, or Winterfylleth in general.

02: Darkspace III I

For me, this is a band that I feared had disappeared for good. However, they returned valiantly with what I would refer to as 'Cenobite Black Metal' – a truly dark and cold malevolent sound that at times is clastrophobic, suffocating, and bewitching in equal measure. A black metal tour de force, and an essential masterpiece.

01: Vesania – Deus Ex Machina

A wonderful return of the Polish super project, featuring members of Behemoth and Vader crushing skulls while taking a brief break from their day jobs. Initially, as much as I loved 'Distractive Killusions' I felt that they had taken a bold and dodgy sonic leap into trying to sound more mainstream – which at times sounded like it was trying too hard. However, they came back and corrected the balance with as much power and vigour than ever. Oddly, I got into them before I got into Behemoth and I love both bands – but Vesania held more of a place in my soul by a whisker. An amazing return.